Some Books and Publications

Aicher, Otl & Josef Rommen. typographie. Ludenscheid: Ernst & Sohn, Verlag, 1988.

Bringhurst, Robert. The Elements of Typographic Style. Vancouver: Hartley & Marks, 1992.

Carter, Rob, Ben Day, & Philip Meggs. Typographic Design: Form and Communication. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.

Friedman, Mildred & Steven Heller, ed. Graphic Design in America: A Visual Language History. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 1989.

Kinross, Robin. Modern Typography: an Essay in Critical History. London: Hyphen Press, 1992.

Poynor, Rick, ed. Eye: The International Review of Graphic Design. Vol. 5, No. 19. Lupton, Ellen Miller, J. Abbot. Design | Writing | Research. Kiosk Books 1996

Some Links of Relevance
-Hoefler Type foundry
-MIT Type Experiments
-Type Directors Club
-John Landon's Wordplay
-Typesetting and Publishing Glossary
-Baseline Digital Type Review
-American Font Information Interchange
- A directory of type foundries
-Graphion's Type Museum
-LettEror Magazine
-TYPO-L: Discussion of Typography, Type and Typographic Design
-The Internet Typeface Design Project
-Yale C/AIM WWW Style Manual on web typography
-Serif: The Magazine of Type & Typography
-Microsoft Typography Web Site
-Fuse's FontNET